Monday, March 23, 2009

Class and wiki

Class is making progress on their games. I created a checklist on Word today as a handout, as I am accustomed to doing in my other classes and have done in this class before. It only occured to me today, however, that I ought to create the document on a new wiki page and create a link to it. Seems obvious, and it is, but I didn't do it until now. It's been very hard to change my tried- and-true habits, but, like my class, I'm making progress.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The latest

Skills and ideas are coming together now. Teams are piecing together their games and progress is speeding up. We recently created a wiki checklist that students used to earn a grade (200 pts). Next we will create a checklist for thier game scenes. We had a team with a great ideas, but were having trouble simplifying and organizing the tasks. After giving them time to work through the issues on their own, Mr. Allder stepped in to give them more direct guidance. This team has a much clearer focus now, and morale has improved. Overall, things are looking good.