Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29

Class was productive today. Jim showed students his game example and corresponding code, and led students through the process of their own mini-game. I floated around room and helped individual students. Worked well.

Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26

This was the first class after the workshop. I reassured our class that they are on the right track, and I reinforced the ideas of transparent learning. I also told them to go back and embed files onto their wiki pages, not just links, and I told them to save everything they do. I tried to reassure them that it is ok to post "mistakes" or failed attempts, but most students seem a bit hesitant to do that. "But it's not good" was a common refrain. We all feel a little better that we don't have to have a certain percentage of the games completed, however.